
"From, My Heart. To,

  Dear 'You Are Special To me', You are amazing, You are beautiful, You make my heart feel the zing, You make me soulful. Your eyes sing, A song so cheerful; I get this feeling For your message, I keep waiting It's all very new to me: I keep looking at my phone It's like I'm missing you. I can't stop myself from texting you. It turns out to be controlling So, I will fence you. I will talk if I want to, You just 'Be You'. (This isn't the right reason, I just don't want to know the right reason) I will keep myself busy, I will be happy. You are something different; You make me say this to you: "Lately our conversation is just an argument. Something in you makes me stay; When you don't say anything, feels like attachment; I like this quiet silence between us in every way." Why do I miss your texts? Why do I miss you? That feeling is coming back. I will be fencing you But please don't change. I forgot those words I told you, "D


TO FIND... All my life I came across, Everyone like sharp claymores! In each, I try and look for, A friend pretty much Whom I can be therefor; I lost hope all of it pretty much. 'Hope' I always questioned, But within my heart, it burned. Then one day I found a certain someone To share my all and find peace. I never thought that this could be the one And my all doubts began to seize. All was happy and bright, Until a lost history stirred within me a fright. Now I start to fear 'the mystery', Which under the table of my heart is contained; No matter how hard I try It can no longer be restrained. My worst fears arose, I completely froze. My search was in vain; From this endeavour,  I began to abstain From this 'Hope' that turned into vapour. This quest turned me to stone, I realised that I forever will remain alone. -Aura


                                                                  DIAMONDS                                                        As I gazed through the window,                                                                My eyes beheld                                             The drops of rain on the glass that settled;                                                         The orange sunset glow                                            Like little rainbows like diamonds twinkled                                               I stood watching, lost and emmarbled.                                                       I was so lost in this mellow;                                                The dusk soon took away what I felt;                                                           And I remained quelled.                                                                       -Aura


"ARE YOU THERE?" The dusky evening has gone, The day has ended. The deep night has dreaded; The path is clouded. In the mirror, there is no one Coz I stand before it alone. No light; Nothing seems right. Nothing bright Except for distress and fright. Things that I cannot tell And no one is there even to compel. -Aura


"Oh No!" What I did I feel is a mistake; To which now I feel my whole life can be at stake. It's an unexpected earthquake, That keeps me awake. It happened because I wanted to please, My hope went amiss. It created a deep crease Without even the slightest notice. I never thought it to be true, Until I realised the truth. My life turned to have no value; My darkest fears turned into a sooth. -Aura


YOU ARE MAGIC You are like a chocolate That has a special ingredient, That remains within you a secret In abundance, very eminent and evident.   You are amazing; Sometimes confusing and always amusing.   You are the like source of Nitrogen on a coral reef; You are like the sparks from the firework That warm any heart that is sad and filled with grief, You are the smile that plays on my face when I’m a wreck.   You are like the peace in a blue lagoon, Warm, serene and nothing like anyone I have ever seen.   Like a white horse riding between a velvet sky and golden shore In search of a place beyond the silver line of your horizon. You strive to revive and restore My lost hope and foundation.   But your rage is like the sound of crashing waves. Sometimes you are like the swallowed night, scary and unknown.   My day doesn’t go by Without inquiring after you; And I don’t know why, Maybe because there is none like you.   You are the e

Thank You

Mr. Genius I was lost and alone; Devastated and slowly turning into stone. My love was never known. My hurt just remained an intone. Destiny brought you into my life, Amidst my distress and strife. Our thoughts vary in wavelength; We both enjoy Horlicks, But you became my strength, Like the strong bricks. I love your smile; I love your style; I want you to always remember That you are always a part, May it be June or September And you will forever be in my heart. -Aura.


A JOURNEY THAT IS ALIVE I learned that sometimes life's journey It takes you to a place  That cannot be found on any map. Nothing is permanent in this world, Not even our troubles. Anger makes you smaller,  While forgiveness forces you  To grow beyond what you are. Don't chase after people who hurt you,  Replace them with people who care. Don't change your colour for a few people, Maybe they are colour blind. Make yourself a priority once in a while. It's not selfish, it's necessary. Stay real, stay you. In every single day, Look for something positive; Even if some days  You have to look a little harder. Just when you get proactive, your problems get subtractive, Remember not to get hyperactive, And life will become so active. -Aura


A BLISSFUL DAY A new morning, Defines a new beginning. It opens doors to a new day; Paves the road and a new way. The mist and the dew, The birds chirping and the hue. The scent of the moist soil Will never your dawn spoil. With the beginning of this day For you I do pray. We may be apart so many miles, All I want is sweet smiles; May it cross your sweet face, And stay glued in all life's pages. Have a morning that is awesome, A day that is happy, Through the hours that you work, And the minutes that you hurry, Remember to value every second that you smile, Tonight, when you rest, may your smile still endure, Even through the whole night and your whole life for sure. -Aura.


A HOPE I'm just watching the rain, Lost in 'the thought train'... "I'm just a passenger; Not a messenger, With a bitter cup of coffee And a sweet toffee; Trying to define something, Even if I have everything, But I know one thing; Without you, I'm nothing."   The trouble that brews in my heart, I cannot get away from that part. I cannot tell you, I fear I'll lose you. My cry you cannot hear Because you aren't near. The silence fills the air; A feeling that 'you no longer care'.   When you look upon some treasures rare, Your heart is heavy and you cannot bear. You do not know what to feel, All you can do is cry when you kneel. Distant memories come back to you; They seem deep even though they are but a few. Tears turn to salt When they come to a halt. You feel you need to understand, Then you learn to take a stand. Feel and cry coz it will make you feel light; Fighting feelings is


RARE LOVE We love people so That they didn't even know We sacrificed Our dreams for our 'love'; Hoping that one day We will hear them say, "I miss you, I love you, Will you be the reason That I breathe in every season?". -Aura


CHEERS TO A PERFECT DAY To days, Days we let moments crawl; To days, Days we walk and don't fall; To days, Days that pry; Pry my heart, In anticipation of the adventure we wait. -Aura


EMPTINESS That day I still remember, A memory dark as ember; You asked me to leave. You told me, "be gone". My heart you never understood, My feeling remained untold; My love never disclosed; My friendship tossed. Emptiness unfulfilled. Tears still welled Like the rain And the stabbing pain. I started my trail, Along pain's dark vale; Tears clouded my heart, I couldn't see anything but a lonely path. I took the journey and nothing was fine But then I found you waiting at the finish line. -Aura


MINE You are one of quiet kind, Like the silence of the nature, Your silence speaks amidst, The chaos and life's mist.   Though I have seen you since long, But recently I have known you like a special song. People like you are really rare, Whom one can truly show that they care.   Though you don't find anything, You are still seeking; Always trying your best, Preparing for life's big test.   Some people you meet along the bay, Them you really don't want in the way. While you are still searching, For a purpose of existing. -Aura


ME AND YOU I never meant for u to know me, I never meant to let u in, But then I should not have hugged u, Not the first time; Certainly not the second. There's a light in you so bright that, It makes me feel like the girl I wish I was, And forget the thing I am; I am chained to certain hungers; And have damned another to my fate. But what I am I cannot answer, There is no name for it. But I also desire, deeply; And I can love, As I love you and only you. -Aura


A DARK NIGHTMARE Life's decisions draw near, The past whispers in your ear; Which makes the future so unclear. No chance seems to appear, And then you start to fear But your heart still remains crystal clear; Like the harsh whooshing of the wind; Your feelings lay tinned within; Because it is always on you to decide, What you want to leave aside, Leave the past let it be gone with the tide, That as a bird you may glide. Let your life be free from the fog, That shades your road like a clog. At this sight and all it's seems, You in your heart scream; Tears roll down your cheeks, As you awaken from the dream. -Aura


THE SONG OF THE RAIN I hopped off the train,  It seemed like it's gonna rain.  As I started my descend from the stairs,  A random song airs in my ear; My eyes are somehow fixed on the heavy clouds,  That are gathering along my path.  Stronger blows the wind,  The sight looks like the break of dawn,  Only to shift my mind To the unmowed lawn Swaying n bending right Just like my hoodie n hair I hold my bag tight; As I feel the air.  I lift my lashes to lookup Only to see the clouds turn black.  A smile plays on my lips,  As I hum the tune of the track.  As I draw closer to the houses,   The gush of wind subsidies; I twirl towards the end of the path Only to find myself stop; My eyes take in the view before me,  As the last warm glow of the evening  Bids goodbye to the swamp and the tiled roofs.  From clouds did rain begin to mizzle,  On my lashes it started to settle.  My senses started to fill with: The fragrance of the rain-starved earth,  A feeling of contentment.  I slow my pace


A WISH If I could stop time, I will delay those minutes with you. If I was given a wish, I will wish for you to be happy. If only you knew, If only you could feel All that I feel for you, Everything that I am not able to tell you. If you give me one chance, I’ll never let that smile fade from your lips. If you let me be yours, I’ll make you my heartbeat. Walking away from you Is like treading on shards of glass Of my own broken heart A feeling that no words can express. -Aura


NONE LIKE ‘YOU’ On the road of life, in happiness or in strife; We meet people like seasons, all for different reasons. Some are like the rain in a gloomy bay; Some are like the hue in the hope of a new day. Some mean something to us, others don’t. Some remember us, others won’t. Some are the cause, some the affect. Some just pause the effect. Some subdue, some a rue. Some people show us what we truly are,  others just talk of how we are. Some different, some coherent; Some befriend, others just pretend. Some a tattoo, some a taboo. Some to leave and never regret; Others to love and never forget. So near yet so far; So many words, so many promises; Which turn into cards, love, wishes, and misses’. Some you choose, some you don’t want to lose. Some you’ve met, others you will meet in life’s big net. There is always someone new when others say Adieu. People always queue, yet there is none like you! -Aura